No more time-consuming ML pipeline development. xorq’s multi-engine system seamlessly moves data between query engines, allowing you to leverage the strengths of each engine within a unified workflow.
# Connect to different engines
pg = xo.postgres.connect_env()
db = xo.duckdb.connect()
# Get tables from different sources
batting = pg.table("batting")
# Load awards_players into DuckDB
awards_players = xo.examples.awards_players.fetch(backend=db)
# Filter data in respective engines
left = batting.filter(batting.yearID == 2015)
right = awards_players.filter(awards_players.lgID == "NL").drop("yearID", "lgID")
# Move right table into postgres for efficient join
expr = left.join(
into_backend(right, pg),
)[["yearID", "stint"]]
# Execute the multi-engine query
result = expr.execute()
Built-in performance optimizations such as caching and in-memory data transfer ensure fast execution of ML data flows, and even faster iteration as you develop and test.
# Connect to source database
pg = xo.postgres.connect_env()
con = xo.connect() # empty connection
# Create source storage
storage = SourceStorage(source=con)
# Register table from postgres and cache it
batting = pg.table("batting")
# Cache the filtered data in the source backend
cached = (
batting.filter(batting.yearID == 2015)
.cache(storage=storage) # cache expression
# Execute the query - results will be cached
result = xo.execute(cached)
xorq provides the escape velocity you need to avoid the functional and performance limitations (and cost) of executing UDFs within your native query engines. Gain powerful data processing capabilities and run xorq UD(x)Fs on any platform.
import xorq as xo
from import make_quickgrove_udf
from pathlib import Path
from xorq import _
t =
model_path = Path(xo.options.pins.get_path("diamonds-model"))
model = make_quickgrove_udf(model_path, model_name="diamonds_model")
expr = t.mutate(pred=model.on_expr).filter(_.carat < 1).select(_.pred).execute()
Compose end-to-end machine learning pipelines - from data fetching through prediction - into single, executable expressions. xorq handles the execution details, optimization, and cacheing of intermediate results.
# Create composite expression out of other xorq UDFs
expr = transformed_test_data.mutate(
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